Services Offered
- Training
- Boarding & Pet Sitting
Service Area(s)
Central Wisconsin within 100 miles of Plainfield, WI
Service Specializations
Training Specialties
- Manners and basic skills
- Puppy training
- Leash reactivity
- Dog reactivity
- People reactivity
- Shy/fearful dogs
- New baby
- Housetraining
- Separation anxiety
- Recall
- Board and train
- Special needs (deaf, blind, physical limitations, etc.)
- Remote consultations/virtual training
- Therapy dog training
Boarding & Pet Sitting Specialties
- In professional’s home
- In your home
- Overnight supervision
- Board and train
- No breed restrictions
- Senior dogs
- Special needs (deaf, blind, physical limitations, etc.)
Qualifications and Certifications
- Extensive knowledge of animal behavior, focus on behavior consonutling
- Attended many seminary and workshops (see website)
Business Location
503 N. Snowmobile Run, Plainfield, Wisconsin, 54966