Services Offered
- Walking
- Boarding & Pet Sitting
- Daycare
Service Area(s)
I offer services Valley Wide. I am looking to increase my clientele in Scottsdale/Fountain Hills/Paradise Valley where I have some regular clients.
Service Specializations
Walking Specialties
- Group walks
- Individual walks
- Off-leash
- On-leash only
- Enclosed/fenced dog parks
- Beach hikes
- Last-minute services
- Small dogs
- Senior dogs
- No breed restrictions
- Accepts unaltered/intact adult dogs
- Special needs (deaf, blind, physical limitations, etc.)
Boarding & Pet Sitting Specialties
- In your home
- Crate/cage-free
- Overnight supervision
- Pick up/drop off available
- Accepts unaltered/intact adult dogs
- No breed restrictions
- Senior dogs
- Special needs (deaf, blind, physical limitations, etc.)
- Cats and house plant care offered (pet sitting)
Daycare Specialties
- Pick up/drop off available
Qualifications and Certifications
None provided
Business Location
17374 N 89th Ave, Peoria, Arizona, 85382